
Warranty Policy

NDS only applies warranty and return policies to products purchased at our store. When purchasing, the product will be accompanied by a purchase invoice. Customers only need to keep the purchase invoice and the product with intact tags (depending on the case) to receive a warranty.

1. Warranty policy

  • From January 1, 2023, we apply the warranty policy for products purchased at NDS as follows:
    • NDS warrants the product if there is a manufacturer defect. The warranty product must be intact, have complete purchase information, and equipment, and have no signs of repair.
    • We will not apply the warranty policy to defective products caused by improper use by customers or accidentally torn or damaged.
    • The warranty period depends on the goods policy and time from receipt of goods.
    • Warranty place: NDS Company
    • Warranty waiting time is 5-7 days and customers do not need to pay any additional costs.

2. Return policy
  • The time to exchange goods is 1 - 3 days after receiving the goods
  • We will support customers who buy online and want to exchange goods at the site if conditions allow.
  • In case NDS does not deliver the goods as ordered by the customer, please contact us for advice. Shipping costs will be fully borne by NDS.

3. Customers who want to return the product choose one of the methods below:

3.1 12 Months Commitment Warranty:

  • Only applies to the main product, NOT applicable to accessories included with the main product.
  • Warranty within 07 days (from the date NDS receives the device in an error state and until the date the customer is called to take back the device under warranty).
  • The product is not warranted a second time within 15 days from the date the device is fully warranted.
  • If NDS violates its commitment (warranty exceeds 07 days or must re-warranty the product a second time within 15 days from the previous warranty), the Customer can apply the method of exchanging another product or refunding the fee. sale 50%.
  • From the 13th month onwards, the committed warranty does not apply, only the manufacturer's warranty applies (if any).
  • The product meets the company's warranty conditions.

3.2 Everything is changed (NO accessories apply)

3.2.1 If the main product is damaged, exchange it for a new main product

  • First month from the date of purchase: free.
  • Month 2 to month 12: fee 20% of invoice value/month.

Note: If the customer does not have the main product to exchange, the Committed Warranty or Refund policy with a 50% discount will apply.

3.2.2 If the included accessories are damaged, exchange them for accessories with the same function that NDS is selling:

  • Accompanying accessories can be exchanged for free within 01 months from the date of purchase of the main product with new NDS accessories being sold with equivalent quality.
  • Note: If there are no equivalent accessories or the Customer does not like it, the warranty will apply.

3.2.3 Software errors do not apply, but only fix software errors.

3.2.4 In case the Customer wants to exchange a full box (full box, whole box): in addition to applying the exchange fee in Section 2.1, the Customer will pay an additional fee for a full box equivalent to 20% of the invoice value.

  • Returned products must retain 100% of their original shape and qualify for the Company's warranty.
  • Body and screen have no scratches.

3.3 REFUND: Applicable to defective and non-defective products.

  • Returned products must retain 100% of their original shape and qualify for the company's warranty.
  • The product is for personal use only, the use of the product for commercial purposes is not applicable.
  • Full refund of box, charger, and accompanying accessories: Lost accessories will be charged at the minimum selling price on the NDS website and genuine (maximum 5% of invoice value) for all product groups.
  • Refund all promotional items. If promotional items are lost, fees will be charged at the published price.

3.1 Non-electrical accessories group, promotional products

  • Warranty and returns do not apply at NDS.
  • If the product has a defect and has its own warranty policy, please contact NDS Warranty for support.

3.2 Used Products and Display Goods Group.

3.4 Policy Content - Conditions Apply
The product had technical errors in the first month

  • Brand warranty applies if the product still has the manufacturer's warranty period and meets the company's warranty conditions.
  • Returned products must retain 100% of their original shape and qualify for the company's warranty.


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